Optical Replication – a Cost-effective Method for Volume Production of Freeform & Aspheric Mirrors
Constraints in traditional manufacturing techniques have historically been a primary factor in the limited integration of freeform mirrors into optical systems. Non-diffraction limited usages such as energy distribution and illumination applications were predominant due to these constraints.
Now with state-of-the-art deterministic methods of optical manufacturing, it is possible to produce imaging quality aspheric and freeform mirrors. The optical replication manufacturing methods are successfully meeting the demands for large volume, high fidelity optical requirements. This workshop will explore the capabilities and advantages replication technologies offer for the production of freeform mirrors.
- Discussion of Freeform Optics and Optical Replication
- Advantages and Limitations of Using Freeform Optics
- Comparison of various current manufacturing methods
- Benefits of using optical replication techniques for high volume aspheric manufacturing
- Key Factors in the Design-to-Manufacturing-to-Metrology Relationships
We will shortly be adding a video of the talk to this page